CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- Republican incumbent Representative Bob Good is calling for a "full recount" in the closely watched 5th Congressional District primary election between him and state Senator John McGuire, who has already declared victory. The primaries were just about a week ago at this point and this race has yet to be called.

Good trails McGuire by just over 300 votes.

"We owe it to everyone who has that kind of concern and a vested interest in this to challenge this," said Good.

J. Miles Coleman with the UVA Center for Politics was not surprised by Good's decision.

"I don't think a lot of people who have observed his career over the past few years in Congress, would expect him to go quietly," said Coleman.

After all 303 precincts in the 5th Congressional District have submitted their vote counts, the Virginia Public Access Project has yet to call the race between Good and McGuire. The state's Department of Elections also shows complete reporting.

"I believe if my opponent were to prevail, it would put the seat in jeopardy in November," said Good.

Good has zeroed in on Lynchburg as a trouble spot as far as counting votes.

“Lynchburg demonstrably didn’t protect their drop-box,” said Good.

According to Coleman, if the race is within half a percentage point, the apparent loser can ask for a free recount. If the race is between half and one percentage point, the apparent loser can pay for a recount.

"That's why he's trying to still fundraise," says Coleman.

Coleman thinks Good will still hold grudges if it isn't overturned. 

"Even if he comes out on the wrong end of a recount, Representative Good will still be saying that he really won, that there was some fraud here and there, so that is kind of par for the course," he says.

Coleman says Good can only ask for a recount after the votes are certified on July 2. After July 2, Good will have until July 12 to request a recount.

"There’s trends in the data that doesn’t look right to us that we want to investigate and just make sure that we can get to the truth of what happened to the best of our ability," says Good.