CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- Charlottesville’s oldest toy store is celebrating a big milestone this year, turning 50 years old.

"For a small business to survive and thrive for that long is just incredible,” owner of Shenanigans, Amanda Stevens said.  

Opening in 1974, Shenanigans has been selling toys, books, and games for nearly 50 years. Stevens says the store has seen a lot of changes and growth over the past five decades. 

“Kai Rady who was the original owner of Shenanigans, she started out of a small house on Ivy Road, went to Barracks, and here. And my family and I bought it five years ago, put all the inventory online so we have a very active website. And it is just amazing to me to meet two, three and even four generations of families coming in and shopping here,” Stevens said. 

As a local small business, Stevens says the shopping experience is different than what you get online. 

“First of all, buying something online, you are not going to get anywhere near the level of customer service. When you walk in here, you are getting, and I hand-pick every item in the story for a specific purpose,” Stevens said. 

And while the official birthday celebration is still a few months away, Stevens says the store is celebrating all year long. 

“We are bragging all year long, and then in October we are going to have our regular birthday sale and then a huge birthday bash,”  she said. 

Since taking ownership five years ago, Stevens has also amped up philanthropic initiatives, such as being a donor or sponsor to local organizations including UVA Children's Hospital, Josephine’s Village, and Toy Lift.