CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- In this hot weather, people aren't the only ones in danger of overheating. It's important to make sure that our furry friends are being looked after.

The CASPCA advises pet owners to make sure their animals have access to clean water if they do take them outside. Excessive panting, restlessness and lethargy are among the signs a pet might be dehydrated.

"Be careful of asphalt and other surfaces," said Luke Waldron, CASPCA director of communications and marketing. "If you put your hand on the ground for five to seven seconds and it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog, so always try to walk on the grass or more natural environments so they don't burn their paws."

Waldron also suggested that owners of pets with flatter faces, like boxers, should be wary if they are panting more than usual because of the heat.