CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- Albemarle County Police Department Deputy Chief Terry Walls addressed some new laws that are going to be taking effect on July 1.

One not only creates a state task force to deal with fentanyl, it also allows for a special enhancement to a homicide charge if the death can be directly related to a drug dealer.

Walls says fentanyl is a serious problem in the area.

"In just five months, our 3A narcotics and gangs task force has already seized 900 grams of powdered fentanyl, over 93,000 pressed fentanyl pills, that has a street value of over three million dollars," said Walls, who notes that that's already more than what was seized all of last year.

Another law deals with farm use licenses. Anyone wanting to obtain one will now have to go to the DMV.

"And it can't be the sports car that we've all seen those on," he said. "It needs to be a truck or a van or an SUV that is capable of hauling equipment and things needed on a farm."